Milestone Experts bring extensive experience to the field of Forensic Delay Analysis within construction projects. Our track record speaks to our proficiency in simplifying intricate delay scenarios, thanks to our practical knowledge. As a result, our experts are highly sought-after additions to your team.​
Understanding the role of planning and scheduling in project management allows our Experts to draw down from their diverse backgrounds from across construction and related industries. Employing a wide variety of techniques and software, our experts provide robust delay and schedule analysis for prospective and retrospective extension of time entitlements and for the delay, acceleration, disruption and loss of productivity.
Techniques include: Critical Path Analysis, EoT Claims, EoT Defence, Time Impact Analysis, Window Analysis, As-Built v As-Planned, As-Built But-For Analysis, Collapsed As-Built, Earned Value Analysis and S Curve, Line of Balance, Monte Carlo Simulation, Programme Evaluation and Review Techniques, Critical Path Interrogation and Programme Compliance.